A company profile on Instagram needs one thing above all else: time!
Creating a new profile on Instagram only takes as long as heating a can of ravioli. Enter your email address, user name, password and profile picture – and then you are part of the fancy world of Instagram. You think! That might be the case for a private account, yet when creating a business profile, you should take a little more time beforehand. The most important things to consider: thorough preparation and a well thought-out concept.
In this blog post, I will give you some insights into the preparation phase of the brandnew Instagram channel for our WEICON TOOLS. The main aspect: producing photo and video content for the channel.
Why Instagram in the first place?
Let’s face it, fashion, travel and lifestyle topics are certainly more sought after on Instagram than chemical products for the industry or stripping tools for craftsmen. We are mainly active on the B2B sector – the products are complex, the target group is specific.
But we at WEICON are well aware of that. We know that as a medium-sized company, we will not acquire millions of followers and get thousands of likes and comments. We also know that tools are not as sexy as the latest fashion trends. And we don’t expect that.
Then why presenting WEICON on Instagram at all? Of course, we also provide information on our wide range of tools on our website, in catalogues, flyers, at trade fairs etc. But on platforms like Instagram, we also have the chance to present a glimpse of the work behind the scenes. We can introduce people who contribute to the development of the tools with great passion. We can show how much handwork is put into the production of every single cable stripper. “Company image“ is the magic word here. And that is also important in the B2B sector.

The core of the preparation: pictures, pictures and more pictures

Authenticity …
Instagram is based on great pictures. The most challenging task before opening the profile, therefore, was to take high-quality and yet authentic pictures. Authenticity is very important to us, as we mainly want to reach distributors and craftsmen with our WEICON TOOLS channel.
And especially the latter are the ones who work with the tools on a daily basis and who get their hands dirty. So we knew straight away that hand models with manicured finger nails would not send the right message. We needed genuine electricians and do-it-yourselfers. That is why our photographers Rin and Simon took pictures of electrical works being carried out, whenever they had the chance.
… and high quality
Before the channel WEICON TOOLS went online, it was important to create a pool of high-quality pictures. Only application pictures were not enough. For a private profile, the pictures can be taken spontaneously with a smartphone and then you have your next post.
In order to present our tools just right, we needed a little more preparation time. That is why, in a small team, we thought about what we also wanted to present to the Insta world. The categories that we came up with: people, products, production processes.
So the photo and video team resumed their work, visited our production site in Ascheberg several times, shot some material in our own photo studio and retouched all of it. Very important: the colours should be as homogeneous as possible and the products highlighted effectively, as tools just don’t pull on emotions as much as people with a perfect toothpaste-smile. Luckily, Rin and Simon have a knack for interesting perspectives.
And then it was all set. The first posts went online and since then, we’ve been eagerly publishing new content on our channel several times a week. Usually, I, as part of the PR team, make sure that the posts are planned one week in advance. This also includes writing captions and adding the right hashtags. Of course, new photos and videos are also taken continuously and added to the stock footage. Also, a new post comes up spontaneously every now and then.
At the moment, the channel is still in the early stages, but it is exciting to see it grow!

Follow us on Instagram
Altogether, a company profile requires a lot of time and effort. But at WEICON, we enjoy putting both into it, as it helps us to show you who we are and what we do. That is why, of course, we are not going to skip one final thing: the request to follow us on Instagram on https://www.instagram.com/weicontools/
By the way, we also have to other Instagram profiles: on our general profile weicon_de, we mainly focus on the world of adhesives and other chemical products. On weiconazubis, you can see what the daily work of our apprentices looks like.
Overview: You find us on these platforms