One minute, you’re opening the door or drawer of a cupboard and the next, you’re holding the whole furniture front in your hand. A common reason for that? Ripped-out screws, furniture connectors or hinges. Cheap compressed woods, like chipboard or MDF sheets, are particularly vulnerable to these annoying signs of wear.
But don’t worry. In this blog post, I’ll explain to you how to repair frayed drill holes and stripped screw holes. One little spoiler beforehand: with a tiny bit of glue, your problem is solved in just a few minutes!
Classic case: repair of a broken drawer front

In a caravan, so-called pushbutton latches usually make sure that cupboards and drawers stay closed while driving.
It just doesn’t really work that way if one of the latches wasn’t locked properly. That’s what happened to my colleague Jan. The result: While driving, one of the drawer fronts in his caravan fell off.
The glue trick
As an expert in the field of adhesives, Jan immediately knew what to do. With our Easy-Mix S 50 Epoxy Adhesive, he bonded the plastic furniture connectors back into the frayed drill holes.
But why exactly did Jan choose this adhesive? The answer is quite simple. Easy-Mix S 50 is perfect for fast repairs, it can be used on various materials, like wood, plastic or metal, and shows extremely high adhesive strength. That is why Jan also filled the stripped screw holes with the adhesive and then screwed the connectors back in.

After just 24 hours, the adhesive was fully cured and Jan’s drawer was ready to roll again. Repairing ripped-out screws – it’s not that hard, after all. You only need the right equipment!
Here’s one last note on the application: Thanks to the included mixing nozzle, the two-component adhesive can be applied straight from the cartdridge. It is, however, important to dismiss the first five centimetres of the bead, as the mixing ratio is only ideal after that.
For even more advice on small repairs and maintenance works on caravans, check out this blog post.
Repairing wood damage
Our Repair Stick Wood is also a handy helper when it comes to the fast repair of ripped-out screws and co.!
If drill holes are too big, you can easily fill them with this ready-to-use modelling clay. After it is cured, you can drive wood screws back into exactly the same spot as before. To give you a better idea of how the Repair Stick Wood is used, I have added a video showing the repair of a wooden toy.