The demand for photovoltaic systems is growing and growing. Whether it’s hectare-sized solar fields, PV systems on the roof or mini balcony power plants – there are numerous ways to capture the solar energy produced by Mother Nature and to use it to generate electricity these days. Meanwhile, a whole industry focuses on the topic of solar energy. Tool manufacturers, for example, who want to make it easier for craftsmen to set up photovoltaic systems. One step that is always part of the process: stripping PV cables! Find out here why it makes sense to use special tools to do so.
Stripping PV cables
Solar cables come with a particularly robust insulation. No wonder, since they not only have to withstand high voltages, but also all kinds of weather. That’s why anyone who is frequently faced with the task of stripping PV cables should use special tools. Especially in industrial series production and when setting up large PV systems, so-called solar tools make work a whole lot easier.
Did you know?
More and more companies, but also private households, are using the sun’s energy to generate electricity: In March 2022, 2.2 million photovoltaic systems were installed on properties in Germany, with a total rated output of 58,400 megawatts. As reported by the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), the number of installations thus increased by 10.1 percent compared to the same month in the previous year.
Special tools for solar cables
So may we introduce to you – our two WEICON TOOLS special tools for stripping all common cables in the solar sector:

Wire Stripper No. 7 Solar
The automatic WEICON TOOLS Wire Stripper No. 7 Solar enables you to strip all common solar cables from 1.5-6 mm². Thanks to the optical length scale (8-26 mm), you can work super precisely with the tool. The stripper also has an easily accessible side cutter up to 3 mm².

Mini-Solar No. 3
Small but mighty is our WEICON TOOLS Mini-Solar Stripper No. 3. This tool is also for stripping solar cables in the range of 1.5-6 mm², and it also features an adjustable length stop of 6-28 mm and a side cutter up to 4 mm².
Installing mini solar systems
So-called mini solar systems or balcony power plants usually come with pre-installed connections. This means that you usually don’t need our tools here. Even if you have to strip a PV cable – either because you want to shorten it or install an MC4 connector – our solar tools would probably be a bit excessive for this one time use.

However, if, like our colleague Henning, you are lucky enough to work at WEICON and happen to be planning to install a mini solar system on the roof of your garage – well, then it surely is convenient to use our Mini-Solar No. 3. Henning used the tool to strip the solar cable for the installation of the MC4 plug.
Other than that, our two solar tools are primarily intended for use in industry and thus for series production or for the installation of large PV systems.
More information on our stripping tools
Most of our tools do not come in sunny yellow, but in blue. If you want to learn more about our stripping tools made in Germany, read on here!
And since renewable energy and sustainability are such a perfect match: We now also have a green tool line – consisting of up to 97 percent renewable raw materials! Read more about our Green Line here. Read more about our Green Line here!
Adhesive for solar panels
We wouldn’t be the adhesive manufacturer WEICON if – last, but not least – we didn’t also recommend an adhesive for solar panels. Our Solar-Flex replaces conventional fastening methods for the installation of solar and photovoltaic systems. The elastic adhesive is strong, non-corrosive, can be painted “wet on wet”, is weather-resistant, UV-resistant and silicone-, isocyanate-, halogen- and solvent-free. Specially developed for the solar industry, the adhesive is also suitable for all DIY enthusiasts out there. For example, as you can see here, you can use it to bond solar panels to your mobile home instead of having to drill into the roof. Convenient, right?