What to consider beforehand
One adhesive bond is not like the other. We keep mentioning that in our blog posts. There are many factors that need to be considered: The surface must be free from dirt and dust and the right adhesive for the particluar materials has to be chosen. Then, the adhesive has to be applied correctly and allowed its required curing time. Good to know. But how to handle “overhead bondings”?
Heavy room decor
Our cutomers from the atelier Tanja Kiesewalter own this beautiful ceiling medallion made of stucco. Over time, the medallion had become loose and was in danger of falling down. The problem: The special piece is very heavy and weighs about 5 kg, for sure.
Installing a ceiling medallion
For bonding heavy materials overhead, our fast-bonding WEICON Flex 310 M Super-Tack MS-Polymer is perfect. This adhesive, as you can already tell by its name, has an extremely high adhesive strength. It can also be painted “wet-on-wet“, is sandable and weather-resistant. It enables bondings on vertical surfaces, mainly because this adhesive based on MS polymer has a very high initial adhesion. It builds up its adhesive strength extremely fast.
The bonding gap is important
When bonding similar wall or ceiling deco pieces, you should always keep a bonding gap of at least 1-3 mm to give the adhesive enough space to unfold its strength and to absorb possible tensions. Tip: 1-3 washers or something similar can come in handy to use as spacers.

Specific aspects of overhead bondings
For overhead bondings, you should keep the following aspects in mind: The weight and the surface of the adherend piece should be considered. Home decor pieces made of stucco, like the one in our example, are certainly not a problem, but you should refrain from any pieces which are too heavy. Take your time for the adhesive bonding. Before the chandelier was installed in the atelier, our customers braced the medallion with wooden slats for several hours. That way, the adhesive could cure properly (for at least 24 hours).
No screwing, no dowelling – no mess, no noise
With our Flex 310 M Super-Tack, you can spare yourself the hassle of screwing, dowelling or riveting. Everybody knows the situation: One weekend is just too short for moving house. When the last box is finally unpacked, the day is usually over and you don’t want to annoy your new neighbours with loud drilling noise straight away. Adhesives are a great alternative. That way, you can hang things on your walls or from your ceiling until late at night without making a sound. And you also avoid messy drill dust.
Besides the Flex 310 Super-Tack, the following adhesives are also great for DIY projects:
- WEICON Repair Stick Aqua to seal old drill holes or leakages on drain lines (traps)
- WEICON Repair Stick Wood to touch up broken off pieces in doorframes or parquet flooring
- WEICON Contact VA 100 for rubber seals on shower enclosures, balcony doors or windows
- WEICON Fitting Spray for fixing squeaky door hinges
- WEICON Multi-Foam for cleaning upholstered chairs or kitchen fronts